Once upon a time, in like, this teeny tiny town, right? It had this cool name, ‘Timeless’, and it was like literally frozen in time or something. The townsfolk were stuck in this loop of the same ol’ routine, day in and day out. Like, wake up, work, and then go back home, you know?
But there was this boy, Teo, who was totally different. He was the only one in this stuck-in-time place who could feel time moving. He used to gaze at the stars at night, noticing their slow dance across the sky, and he totally caught the changing of the seasons. He figured out that this was ‘time’, something the others just couldn’t feel.
So, one day, Teo stumbled upon this massive clock in the forest. Nobody knew how long it had been there, but it was always stuck at 12. Standing there, he wondered why it had stopped. He was like, “I’m gonna fix this.”
So Teo got down to work, constantly trying to fix the clock. As he worked on it, he felt time flowing more and more, and the whole concept of time started to feel real to him. Every day, he’d stare at the clock, wishing it to start working, hoping that it would make the villagers realize the existence of time.
Then one day, when Teo went to check on the clock again, he saw the minute hand slowly begin to move. It started to strike 12:01. At that moment, the whole village shook, and everyone broke out of their daily routine to marvel at the clock, glowing with a mysterious light.
From that moment, the people of Timeless began to feel the flow of time. They realized the preciousness of time, and their daily life was never the same. They embarked on new experiences, and Teo was praised for teaching them the value of time.
From then on, Timeless wasn’t a place where time stood still anymore, but a place where time and life flowed. And Teo? He became the hero of the town.
After Teo revived the flow of time, people initially cheered. They were excited about the changes in their life, and they enjoyed their new experiences.
But as time went on, they began to feel discomforts they had never experienced before. Like, they felt the stress of being chased by time, and they experienced aging. They felt time pressuring them, causing anxiety, and bringing changes to their lives. They believed all this happened because of Teo’s ‘clock-fixing’.
When these changes occurred, people began to resent Teo. They complained, “We want to live without knowing time, like before.” Teo felt overwhelmed with regret and guilt as he saw the impact he had on the village.
But Teo tried to overcome the situation. He tried to explain the importance of time again and teach them how to adapt to the new time. He told the villagers, “Time brings changes, but it’s a part of life, and it gives us opportunities to grow and develop.”
Thanks to Teo’s efforts, the villagers slowly began to accept time. As Teo said, they began to realize that time could provide them opportunities for change and growth. They no longer feared time and used it to enrich their lives.
In the end, the villagers understood the flow of time and accepted it as a part of life. They lived appreciating the opportunities for change and growth given by time. They no longer saw Teo as a hero, but as a friend who had enlightened them.
Meanwhile, Teo was still tryin’ to figure out what made that clock tick again. It remained a mystery, an unsolved one. It could even stay that way forever, but Teo wasn’t about to give up on solving it. He was keen to find out why he’d come to realize the importance of time.
When Teo hit his stride as a young man, he fell head over heels in love with a gorgeous lady named Lena. Lena had the brightest smile in the whole world, legit. She taught Teo the meaning of love, and in return, he gave her his whole heart.
But tragically, Lena was taken away from this world in an unexpected accident. Teo was all torn up inside with regret and sorrow, wishing he could have saved her. He wondered if he could rewind time to be with Lena again. So he started another adventure beside the old clock in the woods.
While venturing into the woods in search of the locked secret, Teo took a tumble into a deep pit he hadn’t seen before. He found a clock that could see into the future and as soon as he laid eyes on it, he was hit with a shocking truth. Lena’s death wasn’t an accident - she died trying to save Teo. She sacrificed herself because Teo was the one who was actually in danger. And the reason why time had stopped in the village was because of Lena’s strong will.
Through his tears, Teo read the message Lena had left for him. She urged him not to try to turn back time anymore, but to enjoy his life and think of her.
Touched by Lena’s words, Teo understood her feelings. With all his strength, he clawed his way out of the pit. He returned to the village and started to live and enjoy life again. His realization had a profound impact on the villagers, who came to respect and love him even more.
Teo would forever remember Lena’s love, her sacrifice, and the value of life she’d given him. To honor her, he dedicated a star to her, which is now known as Lena’s Star.
June 20, 2023.